Painting Your Own Home

We provide surface preparation and coatings consultation, and quality control documents to help you get it done in a professional manner.

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Choose the Right Surface Preparation

Although all aspects of a coatings system are vital to its success, inadequate surface preparation is the greatest contributor to costly coatings system failures.

We can review your project and help you determine the most suitable surface preparation.

Choose the Right Coatings System

We can review your project to help you understand which coatings are right for the intended service environment and provide advice on application methods and techniques to make your work easier.

Quality Control Documents

Quality control documents we provide may include:

-Surface preparation activities and expected results.
-Basic inspection plans to help you understand vital factors required for success.
-Ambient conditions monitoring, including wood moisture content requirements.
-Other documents as needed.

We provide documents to record project conditions and information to help ensure a successful outcome by helping you understand and monitor the work to ensure it is accomplished in a professional manner.

Quality control documents provide you with confidence in your work and let you know with greater certainty that you will have a successful coatings system.

One of the most important documents for both quality control and quality assurance is anĀ  inspection plan. An inspection plan can be simple or complex, as the project requires, and once developed lays out an easy to follow path to success.

What is Quality?